I say from the first series because if you don't you really won't grasp what all the hype is about and it very much feels like a continuation rather than fresh start so go with the first couple volumes or omnibus.
Over the course of the months i've been diving into Trip-Hop and House music and all because of Tekken. No really, Tekken Tag's Staff Roll to be specific
So far so good, it's not as good as the first issue of Sandman storywise but it sets things up nicely, the art is gprgeous.
Nice to chat again.
I played about an hour and i'll say it was very strange but the loger i played the more i felt good about playing it.
My Holiday's going okay, I went to the wedding to a friend of the family, wore a suit and stayed in a B&B in the British countryside (JUST outside of London)
It's my Brothers, i think u got an hour in it where I check the data logs
Hmm... I suppose a hard puzzle rpg
It's not DLC if it's on the disc. it's locked Content, i understand the convinience and even the fact that that extra content not affecting the main game however it doesn't change the nature of the act.
Infact i think software giants have been doing this for years (Windows for example) but they're wrong too.