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Cary Woodham's Comments - Page 638

BaD #14: A Day with Cling Thing

Posted on 02/19/2015 at 08:03 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I reviewed an app like this called Tentacle: Enter the Dolphin.

New Miis Today? (BaDay 19)

Posted on 02/19/2015 at 08:02 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Pokemon Shuffle just came out on the 3DS eShop.  It's a free-to-play puzzler.

Kickstarter Games I'm Excited For

Posted on 02/19/2015 at 08:01 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Don't forget about Adventures of Pip. That may be this year's Shovel Knight.  I'm also looking foward to Mighty No. 9 and Half-Genie Hero.  I really don't do kickstarters, but I'll buy them once they're released.

BaD 2015 #13: Having too much fun?

Posted on 02/19/2015 at 07:59 AM | Filed Under Blogs

One good downloadable title on the Wii U is Shantae and the Pirate's Curse.

Bad 18: SSB Wii U Challenges Panel so far

Posted on 02/19/2015 at 07:57 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I haven't been able to play Wii U Smash as much as I wanted to.

I did get the first panel cleared in 3DS Smash, but that's not saying much.  I nearly cloeared the panels in Kirby Air Ride.  That was such a great and underrated game.

Valentine Reviews

Posted on 02/19/2015 at 07:55 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I don't know, I don't really keep up with that stuff.

Cary's Top Five LEAST Favorite Kirby Games

Posted on 02/18/2015 at 09:15 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I've never heard of that game.  I don't know if I can remember a name that long! :)

My mom got the results back.  It's a cyst on her pituitary gland.  It sounds bad, but it's really not, and way less worse than a tumor.  So I'm happy.  Please continue to keep her in your prayers, though.  Thanks.

Cary's Top Five LEAST Favorite Kirby Games

Posted on 02/18/2015 at 09:14 PM | Filed Under Blogs

The DS game that I thought really first made good use of the touch screen was Pac-Pix.  Have you ever played that one?

I don't know if Nintendo's the only company doing cool things with graphics, but they are one of the only ones making games that interest me right now.

Cary's Top Five LEAST Favorite Kirby Games

Posted on 02/18/2015 at 09:13 PM | Filed Under Blogs

My mom got the results back.  It's a cyst on her pituitary gland.  It sounds bad, but it's really not, and way less worse than a tumor.  So I'm happy.  Please continue to keep her in your prayers, though.  Thanks.

Cary's Top Five LEAST Favorite Kirby Games

Posted on 02/18/2015 at 09:13 PM | Filed Under Blogs

My mom got the results back.  It's a cyst on her pituitary gland.  It sounds bad, but it's really not, and way less worse than a tumor.  So I'm happy.  Please continue to keep her in your prayers, though.  Thanks.

This weekend I'm going to look at the local rec center and see what they have as far as a gym.  It's a little farther to walk than the other gym, and they may not have as good hours, but I'll see this weekend.  Might also get some equipment to use at home.  Thanks for the tips about videos to watch and such, though. 

And you're right, that lady in the video is not hard to look at all.

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