Happy bday!
Happy bday!
I'd have liked to see this on the Vita also. Maybe some day...
Crash Bandicoot 2 is short but great. I really hope they reboot this series sometime
I have it preorderd on Amazon for release day delivery. Excited!
It's actually my bday today and my wife got me a pretty sweet wallet and a GTA V preorder. Not too bad
Haha this is great!
Looking forward to it. Welcome back indeed!
I completely agree especially with them going back from "3"DS to "2"DS. Have fun explaining that
Also, I remember similar confusion with the Wii U release. There are still most likely people out there who have no idea the Wii U is actually a new console and not just an add on to the Wii. Like Nick says above, there's a lot to be said for the generic Sony format. It works!
Temptation! More and more i'm thinking maybe I do actually want a Wii U. Maybe i'm just getting sick of all this PS4 and Xbox One talk however. I've never played Wind Waker but it looks sweet. I'm still actually on my first playthough of Ocarina of Time....
Thanks for sharing. Great blog.
It's a tough subject to talk about because people tend to very quickly close there ears and just run their mouth.
There is certainly a lot of issues within the industry and society at large when it comes to the depiction of females but to call every man misogynistic for liking something that could be perceived as objectification is wrong. It's human nature to be attracted to things of a sexual nature, whether male, female, gay or straight. I'm not saying everyone wants to see semi-nude women in everything but hell, there's nothing wrong with it if done in a respectful fashion.
For me the most important thing is developing character depth. To portray a woman meerly as a large breasted object is obviously wrong but a well thought out female character who just so happens to have large breasts, I think, is fine. At the end of the day, it's down to personal taste and the designers art style.
Sexism is an extremely important topic both in society at large and by extension the games industry. At the end of the day, if gamers really want to impact the portrayal of females, it has to be done exactly as you say, by hitting the publishers in their wallet.
Sorry, this was rather long winded