Sorry to hear that. I know exactly what you mean.
Sorry to hear that. I know exactly what you mean.
Aw dude...don't even get me started! That would be super awesome.
Yeah, and you should be able to find Crash 2 for dirt cheap too.
This was the first game I got with my PlayStation back in 1998. It was on sale for $20. Crash Bandicoot 2 is still on of my favorite games in teh PSOne era.
Dude, Crash Bandicoot was a huge part of how I got into the PlayStation in the first place. That, and Ridge Racer.
I was super late with my blog post last night too.
Acutally, it's still a retro game since it's a PSOne Classic. I was just never released in the US until recently.
Ha ha! I remember that movie. I was pretty decent. That was the last movie I saw before seeing Spider-Man back in 2001, I think.
Nice. I could use a mug of hot chocolate myself.
Nice use of the BaD acronym.
I've been watching the Winter Olympics for the past two nights. I always forget how much I love watching these events until they come around every 4 years. I'll probably be tuning in again tonight!