I like it its definitely hardcore not for your average rpg player but I think its awesome thanks for letting me know about it.
I like it its definitely hardcore not for your average rpg player but I think its awesome thanks for letting me know about it.
Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes you all are awesome!!!!
Yea an ugly one lol!!
Bayonetta was one awesome sleeper hit although it didnt get the recognition it deserved I absolutely loved it, my first impression was how good the graphics were and how her long hair covered her body had me in awe, this was a really cool game and you did a great reveiw of it, keep up the good work. :) and FYI I played the 360 version kinda glad I didnt have a ps3 then lol!!!
I was actually referring to what hes wearing lol!!! Trust me I know Blakes not gay....
Well if thats true as much as I play I should look about 10 lol!!!
Thanks my fellow old guy lol!!
They say with age your suppose to be wiser but I must not be wise enough cause I still haven't figured out how to open it lol!!! Thanks :)