Posted on 03/08/2014 at 08:17 PM
| Filed Under Blogs
May, but just not mine,lol.
May, but just not mine,lol.
I have'nt even opened it yet, I am busy this weekend.
I knew something was up, I always get a feeling when I should wait.
Yes, I was just fuckingg around with you. I thought you would have got that when I said I was going to play ET,lol.
Nah, I will get once it hits the discount bin. I love South Park.
No Fuck it because it took so long to come out! I do not even want to play the crappy fucking game now. FUCK IT, I am going to plat ET on Atari 2600!
I wanted the Fire Emblem Awakening XL, but it only came out in Europe.