Aaron: The best part of earning the trophy is when Otacon calls Snake on the codec and the look on snake's Face.....Priceless!
Aaron: The best part of earning the trophy is when Otacon calls Snake on the codec and the look on snake's Face.....Priceless!
Lol....I missed it...ahahahaha
Nicole: Yes, that's three games so far and I should slow down, I want to play the ps1 version of MGS around Nov-Dec. at the rate Im going I will be through by July!
Aaron: No, go read the comments between me and Joe. In just about every modern MGS game, Hideo has some kind of homophopic reference? He usually has one character grab the crotch of another character, This happens in MGS2 and MGS3 and in MGS 4 Snake breaks the private part off a statue.
Tami: maybe you shouldn't. You might just get hooked!
Cool: Acctually, I thought I'd saved more than that. I save pretty regular since I never know when Im gonna get called away from my game.
Wayde: I am definetly interested seeing Hideo on board, time will tell if it merits buying a PS4....but Im sure it will.
Youtube trollers.....they can be pretty ugly. How is that? pretty..yet ugly? what a play on words!
I usually dont listen to many of them but Black lightning caught my fancy and it sounds pretty good, reminds me of some of the Folk bands from around here that recorded during the 1940s.
Transmet: Hahahahah. had I tried for all the dog tags my first run through...I'd still be on the Tanker!