whoo-hoo! Thank you for promoting the forums m'love! :D
whoo-hoo! Thank you for promoting the forums m'love! :D
I tried to get a screencap but I couldn't. ;_; Maybe I can get a wonky one from my vita. xP
Aero Porter is the third game.
Yeah! When I went to start the game, it asked me if I had data from 2-3 games. Now that I redownloaded Crimson Shroud, it showed me a 15 page art book. There's even something called the "Junior Member Code Of Conduct":
Always say "Please" and "Thank You"!
Have justice in your heart, and be kind!
Never tell a lie!
Get along with everyone, and protect the weak!
When you play, play hard!
I was debating picking this one up. Although I probably won't (I don't really dig mega-action, I'm a turn-based girl myself) I really enjoyed your review! Cheers! :3
The last game I finished was Persona 4 PSP. I'd give it a 9.7- really, I can't find anything wrong with it and the replay value is phenominal.
I used my $30 promo credit to buy it- but it has a weird "load save" function from Crimson Shroud and Liberation Maiden... O.o *redownloads Crimson Shroud* xD
Can't wait to listen when I get home! :D
ps- added 'ya. ^.^
Love it. Love it. *joygasm*