Posted on 12/13/2018 at 07:28 AM
| Filed Under Feature
State of the Generation thoughts
I have to say, 2018 just wasn't a year for me. There were a handful of standout games in my mind, but significantly less than the past few years. Moving and taking care of my daughter for a few months probably contributed to this thought.
I am so close to pulling the trigger on an Xbox One because of Game Pass. The problem is I could probably wait a year and a half and get Project Scarlett.
Sony is in a really good spot, but I think they showed their entire hand a little too early and my enthusiasm for their 2019 exclusives is starting to wane.
Outside of Indies, Nintendo had a pretty boring year for me. 2019 looks like it will be stacked and all those analyst bemoaning NIntendo missing their goal for Switch sales this year will probably eat shit when the avalanche of system selling software comes in 2019.