Ninja Village is an awesome game reminds me of Mystical Ninja in some ways but I think you would really like it its $4.99 on google play and definitely worth it.
Ninja Village is an awesome game reminds me of Mystical Ninja in some ways but I think you would really like it its $4.99 on google play and definitely worth it.
Do you have a android or ios cause I found some really good rpgs that I know you would really like.
I found it pretty cool and if you are a fan of Koei they have a free app called tap Romance Three which is another awesome game.
Yes they are Matt and when I get my google play bill I may be broke for a while ha ha!!
Great big wargames is a awesome game which makes people who don't usually play strategy games play them.
Disgea series is a awesome but complex world it took me three years to be Disgea hour of darkness and im currently working on Disgea 2 and one of the main reasons i want a ps3 is for this and Ar Tonelica series.
Looking forward to a forum as long as we can keep trolls under control lol!!
Tales of Symphonia Chronicles is one of my top picks to get when i get my ps3 at tax time along with Tales of Xillia and didnt know if you knew this or not but Atlus is working with the Persona team on Persona 5 which looks insane and for me i have been playing alot of Japanese rpgs from Kemco who had a 99¢ Christmas sale and i picked up a bunch of them which i did a blog on not long ago and by the way some of thoughs anime flix look awesome.
Well I beat Farcry 3 and I beat A Wolf Among us and I beat walking dead season 2 episode 1 and loved all of them im now hooked on these damn android google play games and havent played much of my 360 at all. And as far as next gen hell I have to beat games in this gen before moving up lol!!