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Casey Curran's Comments - Page 9

Retro Review: Contra Hard Corps

Posted on 04/24/2020 at 11:56 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I definitely prefer this to 3 for being a pure sidescroller without those weird Mode 7 levels. Though I prefer Metal Slug to Contra, I still enjoy these games

Quarantine Playlist

Posted on 04/23/2020 at 05:09 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I prefer the SNES to the Genesis, but I'd give the edge to Sega for the mini versions. It has more stinkers overall and doesn't quite hit the SNES' peaks, but theres still more good games on there than Nintendo has an I'm not a fan of every SNES Classic game either. 

Not a fan of those head to head videos. Love the idea but those two guys keep interrupting the reviews with some really unfunny jokes and gags.

Retro Review: Castlevania Bloodlines

Posted on 04/14/2020 at 12:57 AM | Filed Under Blogs

John Morris is Quincy Morris' son

Retro Review: Castlevania Bloodlines

Posted on 04/13/2020 at 11:26 AM | Filed Under Blogs

This is my favorite of the classic Castlevania games. I also love that it ties into Bram Stoker's Dracula

Episode 173: Become Cow

Posted on 04/10/2020 at 07:42 PM | Filed Under Feature

Stage Select:

3. Not buying Donkey Kong Jungle Beat (GC) with the bongos for $3- Since this game will never get a proper rerelease

2. Playing Mass Effect Andromeda- My face is tired

1. Playing Assassin's Creed 3 for 8 hours straight- I saw that I would get more money if I traded it in before Black Friday. I needed to see how the series would end Desmond's arc even though I hated that character because I spent 5 games with the guy. And after enduring the game's awful missions, buggy world, and unsatisfying mechanics, Connor's story ends with him sharing a beer with a villain in the middle of the woods before stabbing him and Desmond's given a moral choice in a series that has never had them before then the character picks to let the villain win for you.

Cage Match: X-Com, because many people beat Horizon with no issues but no one beats X-Com on their first save file. Or can ever see a 95% statistic without getting triggered ever again.

I Need an Island Vacation!

Posted on 04/10/2020 at 01:52 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I'm fine with the items breaking in New Horizons because it made crafting more integral to the early parts of the game, but I think the game is too slow to give you the permanent ones that never break. If around two weeks of playing in you can start getting ways for crafting manuals for these golden items, I'd be more okay with it. 

Episode 172: Wrestling with Covid-19

Posted on 04/09/2020 at 04:05 PM | Filed Under Feature

Just letting you know if you ever get a 360, XB1 or Series X, Radiant Silvergun is on all three thanks to 360 BC.

Grand Theft Auto VI: Exclusive Hands-On Preview!

Posted on 03/30/2020 at 03:59 PM | Filed Under Feature

Okay, I can believe Vice City is the next GTA. I can believe that Julian has no concerns about the writing. I'll even accept I can't find anything about this on the internet and Rockstar exclusively flew Julian in and he didn't mention it on NWP. But Julian hyped for a game that will take over 200 hours to complete? No way

Episode 172: Wrestling with Covid-19

Posted on 03/27/2020 at 10:36 AM | Filed Under Feature

There is a way to separate items in Animal Crossing but you have to do them one at a time and it's not ideal. Inventory does need a bit of work but I'm so addicted to the loop I don't mind yet.

Stage Select

3. Snatcher- Hideo Kojima and cyberpunk feel like a perfect match. I'm bitter at Konami because this will be on the Turbografx 16 Mini but only in Japanese. Not surprised because it's Konami but still bitter. 

2. Burning Rangers- I love weird Sega games and an action platformer about firefighters in the future sounds like something I'm really missing out on

1. Panzer Dragoon Saga- I'm not sure if I'd like this game since I often bounce off 5th gen RPGs. But an RPG about riding dragons sounds fun, the eight people who played it insist it's one of the greatest RPGs ever made and it's another weird Sega game that looks so good.

Cage Match- Has to be Galaga. If Adam Sandler can beat Centipede who can't?

Valfaris Review

Posted on 03/26/2020 at 04:58 PM | Filed Under Review

After seeing all of Nick's Mario Maker 2 videos, this sounds like his dream game.

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