Opt out is definitely on the list already. I probably should've launched the system with this feature included, but as always, hindsight is 20/20.
Opt out is definitely on the list already. I probably should've launched the system with this feature included, but as always, hindsight is 20/20.
Rich text edit on the profile pages seems to be something a few people have requested. I'll add this to the list.
I think this is something I can do - I'll add it to the list.
Sure, I'll add that to the list.
Thanks for the feedback - this one is definitely on the list as well. It's really annoying having to delete all of those messages manually. It's driving me nuts too :)
Last time I checked, programming sandwich maker into a site didn't have the best results .
Also, the customization of the message/notification system is already on the list of items to get done! It was going to be a 1.0 feature... but I got lazy decided to just release what I had instead of completing implementation of all planned features.
Thank you, sir! Hang tight on the email integration for notifications, that's a planned feature!
Hmm... do you have the text you're trying to insert readily available? I have a test environment up, so I can try and mess around with it and see if I can figure out what's wrong.
As for forums, we used to have them, but I've since closed them down. I might be able to trot them out again at some point, but I'll need to come up with a cleaner solution. The last implementation had some definite shortcomings and I wasn't happy with how they were working. I just may write my own forums that better attaches to the existing site DB and can be more seamlessly integrated into the other inner workings of the site. I'll put it on the list and see if I eventually get around to dropping them out there.
How has the auto-save blog function been working for everyone? Any issues? Any suggestions for improvement?
Nice choices - I'd love a Blade Runner game as well. With current techonology, they could undoubtedly do something really amazing with that world.
In addition to your choices - I think I speak for nerds everywhere when I say that a Firefly game would be magical.