Only game I'm really looking forward to in March is Yoshi's New Island.
Only game I'm really looking forward to in March is Yoshi's New Island.
I just got a review copy of the Tales of Symphonia collection on PS3.
Story is helpful to keep you wanting to play and find out what's next, and to help you to know what to do, but for me, gameplay is king.
I do enjoy likable characters, too. That's one of the reasons why I liked Legendia so much. The characters cracked me up (especially Grune).
I'm glad to see you didn't forget about I-Ninja. It's a neat little 3-D romp.
Here are three facts about I-Ninja you may not know about:
1. Even though it was developed by Argonaut, they got a lot of input from the team who worked on Pac-Man World and its sequel. I know this because I was in close contact with many of the team members at the time.
2. A lot of the characters and story elements were designed by Don Bluth. He is an animator who helped create stuff like The Land Before Time, An American Tail, and Dragon's Lair.
3. The main character Ninja in this game is voiced by Billy West.
And that's it for today's edition of Random Namco Facts With Cary.
I actually really liked the first Sonic Adventure game. I would've liked the sequel if it weren't for the awful camera angles near the end. Sonic Generations was pretty decent, too. Never played any of the others.
I can't find a theater near me that's playing it right now, and I live just north of Dallas.
I would like to be able to sleep like RPG characters do. They hop in bed, go to sleep instantly, and a few seconds later, they're awake and fully refreshed!
I'm not a big fan of most Sonic games, as you know, but there are a few that I like. As far as 2-D ones, go, I do like Sonic 3. The Sonic Advance games are pretty good, too, except I didn't like 2 as much. And that's about it, really. The reason why the Sonic Rush games have such good music is that it was composed by the same guy who did the music for the Jet Set Radio games.
Does Strider make the same "Do-do-do dooo" sound when he dies?
If I had a Vita, Tearaway would be one of the games I'd get for it.
One summer in high school I attended a band camp that was held at a college campus. Since no students were there, we stayed in the dorms. In the dorm lobby were a few arcade games. it was there that I learned all the secrets to Track N Field, and played the heck out of Black Tiger. It was a hard, but awesome, game.
There was supposed to be a NES port of this game but it never came out, sadly. Also, SonSon 2 on TG-16 is basically the same game as Black Tiger.
Most super-hero movies are just cleverly disguised kid's movies, so as long as you don't think about them too much, they're enjoyable.