That has to suck. Buckingham is such an underrated guitarist. You have to see him live to truly grasp it. He's incredibly good on both acoustic and electric.
That has to suck. Buckingham is such an underrated guitarist. You have to see him live to truly grasp it. He's incredibly good on both acoustic and electric.
Ya...Falco is not amused by you oont yer sarcasm...he vants to slap you! That picture of him creeps me out. No matter how I turn my head it's like he's staring at me! The N64 may be an addition to my gaming rig this summer. I really miss games like Star Fox 64. Hope you can get all your technical issues worked out so you can play it hassle free.
I recently got it for 10 bucks at Vintage Stock. Pretty decent game if you like magical stuff and fairies....or is it faeries. Not sure on that!
I never realized it was Lindsey Buckingham that did the song. For some reason I was thinking Kenny Loggins,as he did tons of theme songs in that era.
Red Dead Redemption is a fantastic choice for game of a generation. Good call on that one,Jesse. I became just as engrossed in that one as I find myself now in Bioshock Infnite. Enjoyed hearing your thoughts on the next gen consoles. I will probably end up getting both as I am too curious and very OCD about such things. Will be interesting to find out everyone's pick for game of a generation.
Not real big on sports games,but this does look incredible. I find golf games very relaxing to play. Might have to check it out. The courses are really gorgeous! I think the Tiger Woods games lead the pack in golfing sims.
These were all right on the money. I had those problems with those very consoles. However,I did have a launch day PS3 that only died 3 months ago. Definitely got my $600 out of it. I've had a PS1,PS2,and an XBOX die on me as well. But my Nintendo systems are champs. Still have my original Gamecube. I have one of the newer Wii's and it is going strong. Never had a single problem with any Nintendo handheld either.
Art is in the eye of the beholder,as they say. Can't really say I understand how art critics operate. Who died and made them the Gods Of Art? I just know what I like. Same way I feel about music. David Wild is one of the very few music critics I respect.
Now that is one I must have. The art of Final Fantasy is so amazing. I find it rather inspiring,which is why I believe games can be art. They are the proof of it.
That is precisely why I got it,for all that good information from Miyamoto and his entire team. I like that they made it a mixture of that content and great imagery.