I don't think I've ever heard of Darkside Chronicles.
I don't think I've ever heard of Darkside Chronicles.
That's OK, I haven't beaten it yet either. I did make it to the last boss, though.
Fatal Frame really isn't too gory or bloody. And it's about ghosts. I like ghosts.
Actually Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light isn't much like The Cave, I just grouped them together because they were both PSN games I played for free via PS Plus.
Ah yes, Resurrection. I couldn't think of the name for it. Xevious...something.
It's available for nearly all the current consoles (and soon to be released even on 3DS), so you can play it on nearly any system you have. It's worth a try.
I thought the changes in DuckTales Remastered were great and really fit with the rest of the game.
Yeah I don't have a desire to play any of the GTA titles.
I'm not totally opposed to digital games, as you can tell by my blog. But if I can get a disc copy of it, I'll do that option first. But if I can't, i'll gladly download it instead.
How often do Sega's and Capcom's games get to be free?
No the game isn't long. But that's OK, beat 'em ups don't need to be that long.