Yeah I hope they fix it, too. I've had some others complain about the Xbox version. I'm still going to give the game high marks in my Game of the Year SO FAR blog I'll post later in July, simply because I like Pac-Man and I have the PS4 version. :)
Yeah I hope they fix it, too. I've had some others complain about the Xbox version. I'm still going to give the game high marks in my Game of the Year SO FAR blog I'll post later in July, simply because I like Pac-Man and I have the PS4 version. :)
I wrote a review of a coding book a few years ago you might want to check out, too.
My brother Jeff told me TMNT: Shredder's Revenge is on Game Pass so you should download that one, too.
Star Allies is good. Not as good as Forgotten Land, but I still liked it.
I never played this, but boy this game was talked about a lot at the schoolyard and such, so I knew it was pretty popular. I remember the close up graphics of the players making baskets was pretty amazing looking back then, since NES games usually didn't do that. I remember seeing the arcade version a couple of times and remembering it had the same close up graphics, just that the players were full color. Never got into basketball video games myself. Nor do I watch on TV. It's kind of fun to go see a game live, though.
The Atari wallpaper was one of the first things I unlocked, but I don't remember which game I unlocked it on. It may have been Super Pac-Man, because I'm really good at that one.
I don't think Namco was really mad about Ms. Pac-Man. Maybe Professor Pac-Man or Baby Pac-Man. And Namco has even admitted Midway wasn't doing anything wrong, it was part of their agreement. Namco just learned to be more protective of their properties in the future.
Sounds like how Will Wright created SimCity, because he had more fun making the maps for Raid on Bungling Bay more than actually playing it!
Is the figure you got in Pac-Man Musem+ a Galaga figure or a Galaxian figure?
I hope you can play Kirby and the Forgotten Land soon. It's really good.
Right now I got review codes for both Pocky & Rocky Reshrined and TMNT: Shredder's Revenge, so I'm really happy about that.
Yeah I think some players may take it too seriously. I think that's why I got bored.