It would be cool if those were freebies. I don't know how they decide which games and when they are offered for free.
It would be cool if those were freebies. I don't know how they decide which games and when they are offered for free.
Which ones?
If you have to grind in a beat 'em up game, then yeah, it is too hard. It was a lot easier with two players, though.
They took a few liberties with the Mickey Mouse game, but I think you'd like it anyway. Here's my review:
The new 3DS Zelda is very good.
There's just not enough games to warrant purchasing a PS4 right now for me.
My favorite part of the Metal Slug games is making the characters eat too much food bonus items and they get fat!
I liked Mario 3D Land because they kept things simple. Also, while the game starts out easy, they make it tougher later on.
I always picked the Amazon in Dragon's Crown for some reason.
Yeah I wish I had the one that plays PS2 games as well. But it came out too early and got scarce too quickly.
My brother Jeff loved the Uncharted games, too.
I made Namco's Valkyrie in 3D Dot Game Heroes.
Yup, if I had to name a favorite, Ni no Kuni would be it, too!