Aw, Point Blank games were awesome! I wonder how they got that mug to break in Quick N Crash. I think that same Time Crisis game also had a version of Shoot Away on it.
Aw, Point Blank games were awesome! I wonder how they got that mug to break in Quick N Crash. I think that same Time Crisis game also had a version of Shoot Away on it.
The ending to the sequel is just adorable.
Even though I played RPGs prior to FF4/2, such as Dragon Warrior and the original Final Fantasy, it wasn't unitl this game that I really got into RPGs.
The story may be corny now, but back then, it was a big deal. It was one of the first times I kept playing a game just to see what would happen next.
The music was also amazing. It really fit with whatever area you were in.
FF6 may be my favorite RPG (and one of my top five favorite games of all time), but FF4 is pretty special, too.
I loved the original Luigi's Mansion. Have you played the sequel?
Zack & Wiki was such a cool early Wii game. It got pretty challenging, too! It's probably one of the most challenging games that I was stll able to beat.
Yeah I haven't even gotten the new Pokemon X/Y game yet! I don't have time to play it right now, unfortunately.
The Capcom book is great. I like your current gamerpic, by the way.
Yup, all those characters are in there and it's a great book!
You'll have to let me know what your favorite Capcom characters are, Ben! Then I can see if they're in the book!
Yeah I kind of hated missing out on Typing of the Dead. I thought it was just released on the Dreamcast, though.
My favorite light gun game series is Point Blank.
Well I just like her because she has purple hair.
New blog up, by the way.