Link's Awakening is my favorite Zelda game.
If you liked Link to the Past, boy you're sure going to be happy about the new 3DS Zelda game, from what I've played...
Link's Awakening is my favorite Zelda game.
If you liked Link to the Past, boy you're sure going to be happy about the new 3DS Zelda game, from what I've played...
We did? Man, my memory is getting worse.
Baiken has pink hair, so that gets a lot of automatic cool points right there.
Pushy? :) Ha ha!
I wonder how you pronounce "Xrd?"
I need to find me a Guilty Gear character I would like. There's a bunch of them I don't know much about!
Before Wii Sports, my favorite sports video game was Super Dodge Ball. Now it's Wii Sports. That's how significant it is.
It's a shame that consoles aren't built to last anymore.
If you can't go to E3, PAX is the way to go!
I hear if it does well on Steam, it will!
I know more about Batman than any other DC character, but I don't have much interest in the Arkham games. Scribblenauts: Unmasked is where it's at!
I both love and hate Capcom as well. I should be more stalwart and not buy their games, but then I'd deny myself fun times with DuckTales and Phoenix Wright. I'm not going to cut off my nose to spite my face, so I guess I'll be a bit of a hypocrite and enjoy their games regardless.
Thanks. My birthday is REAL, but I always have a pretend party on my blog.
Hello! I don't really know much about Metal Gear. I'm only really familiar with the 2-D ones on NES, and the only thing I did with those as a kid was hide in the box and run around. Other than that, I only know about Metal Gear through Ape Escape tie ins.
While she could probably use a light jacket or something, that army lady still looks tough and cool.
I hope you get a chance to read my PAX articles. Links are on my new blog! --Cary