That is a FANTASTIC idea. I'm adding it to the list. I'll be doing sequels to certain episodes, and I can already say that this one would be made for repeat visits. Thanks!
That is a FANTASTIC idea. I'm adding it to the list. I'll be doing sequels to certain episodes, and I can already say that this one would be made for repeat visits. Thanks!
One of my favorite unsung NES games. For a fun afternoon play this and Kick Master back to back.
I know what you mean. I'm in love with A Realm Reborn. But after playing it all day yesterday when I should have been playing things for review I remembered how terrible an MMO can be for someone that wants to play other games, too.
As someone who's been playing FF XI off and on for 9 years, A Realm Reborn fixes pretty much every complaint I had about that game. Been playing it all day and can't get enough.
I'll be buying all of these on day one, but I have to say that XIV and the HD remakes are the ones I'm most excited about. While Lightning Returns sounds great, I'm just tired of a game set in that universe that isn't centered around Sazh.
That's awesome to hear. Looking back, I really think that the PS3 had the better library of exclusives. I've had a lot of fun with my 360, but I missed out on some amazing PS3 games like the Uncharted series and Valkyria Chronicles.
FF X is a great entry point for the series. The combat is way different than most of the other Final Fantasy games, but for you it will feel totally unique, especially since turn based combat has gone the way of the dinosaur on consoles.
No love for Otogi? Great action games, for sure. Also have to give a shout out to the first Buffy the Vampire Slayer game. No, really.
I have a soft spot in my heart for Breakdown. Would have loved a sequel.
People are thinking December for the PS4? It'll be a week apart from the XBO. There was only a three day gap between the Xbox and the Gamecube, so I expect something similar to happen here.
No, you're right. There were advantages to the things they were trying to do with the XBO. They weren't advantages for someone like me that values collecting games, but what MS should have done was hammer home the benefits to what they were doing with the online stuff instead of backpedaling. It smacks of desperation and a lack of confidence in their business model.
Really, all they needed to do was let people choose if they wanted the system online or not. If you have the game installed to the HD, you need to be online to play it. If not, you need the disc. Easy fix.