Which means that the game is gorgeous... if you are into pixel art. This is only the DS version of the game. The Wii, PS3, 360, and 3DS games are developed by some other company(s).
Which means that the game is gorgeous... if you are into pixel art. This is only the DS version of the game. The Wii, PS3, 360, and 3DS games are developed by some other company(s).
I think that it has to do with the fact that they took the New SMB formula and put it in 3D courses. I think that 3D Mario's need a little bit more freedom than just running to the flag at the end.
I will always prefer the 16-bit games over the 3D ones. Super Mario World and A Link to the Past are my favourite games in their respective series. I can appreciate the 3D entries, but they just don't do it for me like the 16-bit ones.
I have a love/hate relationship with these arcade-y games. I love the fact that you can picke them up and put them down whenever and never lose a beat. I hate that they never seem to hold my attention for long sessions.
I have booted the game up a few times, but never spent more than 30 minutes with it in one sitting. At the same time, that is exactly what I need every once in a while I guess.
I would too... that is coming from somebody who already has the N64 version, the DS version and possibly the VC version.
Well, the times are a changing. When I picked up MGS: Ground Zeroes and inFamous: Second Son I don't think that they has an actual instruction booklet. There were download codes and a seizure warning sheet in the game and that was it. The one cool thing is that they both have awesome reversible covers.
I really want to jump back into SM64, but I think that they have perfected the controls with the Glaxy games. If they were to remake Super Mario 64 in the Galaxy engine... that would be awesome.
Galaxy is one of my favourites. I think that they found a happy medium between the complete freedom of 64 and the linear nature of the most recent games.
Fallout 3 may not be as bug ridden as New Vegas, but there are many things that New Vegas did significantly better than Fallout 3. There is a dark sense of humour that is present in New Vegas that is not there in Fallout 3. Obsidian also made the decisions that you make in the game difficult. Difficult in the sense that you are not quite sure which is good and which is bad. No matter how much good I did throughout the game, there was plenty of bad that came about because of the so called "good" choices...
I just think that New Vegas is the superior game.
It is all my fault though. Had I not gotten a PS4 last year, she would have been on board for getting a Wii U. Now I need to wait, and wait, and wait.