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Cary Woodham's Comments - Page 92

Front Line

Posted on 04/03/2022 at 07:03 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I know a lot of people that say they remember playing this back in the day, but I don't remember it in arcades as a kid at all!  And I remember playing other Taito games back then like Qix and Alpine Ski.  I never really liked Front Line, though.  Just felt like a clunky Ikari Warriors.  Right now I'm reviewing Taito Milestones and Front Line is on it.  The guy in Front Line is a helper character in Arkanoid vs. Space Invaders.

Lucky Green Reviews

Posted on 03/27/2022 at 09:09 PM | Filed Under Blogs

It's too bad that things that taste good aren't very good for you.  Luckily I'm not a big fan of sweets in general so that makes it a little easier on me.

Beaten, Not Done: Lego Batman 2

Posted on 03/27/2022 at 09:07 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Law and Order: Atari Tetris

Posted on 03/27/2022 at 09:05 PM | Filed Under Blogs

The history of Tetris and all the folks who had rights to it is so varied and interesting.  You could probably make a whole movie about it!  Granted it wouldn't be a very action packed movie, but you could do it.  Actually the Video Game Historian has a video on the history of Tetris that is pretty neat.

A lot of people's first memory of Tetris is on the Game Boy, but I actually played it on computers several years before, so playing it on the Game Boy wasn't quite as special for me.  Plain ol' Tetris is still one of my top three favorite puzzle games, though. Right alongside Super Puzzle Fighter 2 Turbo and Puzzle Bobble.  The last time I went to PAX in Seattle, I went to a Tetris themed lounge bar they had set up, and I almost got to meet the creator of Tetris, but it didn't work out.

Beaten, Not Done: Lego Batman 2

Posted on 03/27/2022 at 08:58 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I think LEGO Batman 2 was one of the first LEGO games to have actual voices.  The overworld was fun once you unlocked a flying character.  There is a new LEGO game coming out soon: LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga.  I usually get to review pretty much every LEGO game out there, but I might not be able to review that one.

Randomly Rolled: Jet Pac

Posted on 03/27/2022 at 08:56 PM | Filed Under Blogs

The first time I played JetPac was actually on Donkey Kong 64!  You could unlock that game and the original DK arcade game, too!  JetPac Refueled was one of the first Xbox LIVE games I played.  

Elevator Action II

Posted on 03/22/2022 at 09:58 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I've played it.  It's a fun little light gun game with a gimmick, that's all.  I was surprised the first time the real life elevator doors closed over the screen!  I bet that's a pain in the butt to maintain if it ever breaks down!

Elevator Action Review

Posted on 03/22/2022 at 08:32 AM | Filed Under Review

I didn't like the first Elevator Action as much, mainly because I wasn't very good at it.  But I sure did enjoy Elevator Action Returns on the Taito Legends collections.  That was like a cross between Elevator Action and Rolling Thunder.  Otto even shows up in cameos in Taito games to this day, like Arkanoid vs. Space Invaders.

There's actually a pretty recent new Elevator Action game that was in arcades called Elevator Action: Death Parade.  It was a light gun game like Time Crisis, but you had a button you could use to close and open real life elevator doors that would cover the screen!  You could even use those doors as shields!

Lucky Green Reviews

Posted on 03/22/2022 at 08:26 AM | Filed Under Blogs

As a kid, I liked gray because it was the same color as donkeys and elephants, and I liked those animals.  But yeah I was a weird kid for liking gray and other animals like buffalo.

Randomly Rolled: Stargate (Defender II)

Posted on 03/22/2022 at 08:24 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I like the colorful graphics the Defender games have, but yeah they're way too hard!  I'm with SanAndreas on this one, I actually like the 2600 versions better.  Mainly because I'm better at them. :)  By the way, NES Defender was programmed by Satoru Iwata.  Cool, huh?

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