I got myself two books (one about Steven Spielberg and the other the third of the Hunger Games series) as presents and the Wii U which my dad has.
Merry christmas Peter!
I got myself two books (one about Steven Spielberg and the other the third of the Hunger Games series) as presents and the Wii U which my dad has.
Merry christmas Peter!
I feel like you have played a different game then, because there were only a few moments of no gameplay and little control, and whenever they happened, they didn't really last that much so it quickly went back to gameplay.
I haven't played multiplayer, but I actually loved the story and the use of narrative was fantastic like the first game. Though you should admit Cave Johnson was an awesome addition.
I can agree with that statement.
Good luck with that, because I doubt a boycot would happen, considering how massive Steam is.
Where you are isn't "the last few areas" though....
Happy holidays to you Joe.
I have Mirror's Edge on my wishlist, but I don't have the energy to buy it. I think i'll wait if I have a parkour craving.
Merry holidays to you too man!
I would like to as a newbie Whovian, but I don't want to spend too much. I'm also wary of the Android game, since my cellphone isn't from that plataform and I don't want to own something I won't likely use.
I don't have Dragonfall, but I did buy the original Shadowrun: Returns recently, so I want to start that one.
I'm about to buy the first game.
Yeah, I think I remember reading that the level and Glados involvement had to do with a Portal 2 cross-promotion called The Potato sack, made with Bit.Trip and other games.