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Cary Woodham's Comments - Page 949

Retro Game of the Week: Nightshade

Posted on 05/18/2013 at 03:37 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Interesting.  Looks like he's going to punch himself on the box.  Some of the crazy things you said he says sounds like something Sam (of Sam and Max) would say.

The Twisted Tales of Spike McFang

Posted on 05/18/2013 at 03:31 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Sorry if you did post this before.  I have a horrible memory and forget things a lot.  Spike McFang just looks like a game that I would be interested in.  You don't see too many top-down silly cartoony action RPGs anymore.  I wanted to play this game back in the day, but I could never find it in a video rental store anywhere.  Of course I couldn't afford to buy it back then, because I was just a high school student with limited income.

Preemptive Strike.....

Posted on 05/17/2013 at 07:51 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Whoops!  Sorry.  I have a HORRIBLE memory.

Cary's Top Five Favorite Star Trek Characters!

Posted on 05/17/2013 at 05:48 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Ha ha! I just went and looked at it.

Star Trek game review up at, BTW.

Preemptive Strike.....

Posted on 05/17/2013 at 05:41 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Crappy RPGs?  I've got a couple of ideas for you: Hydlide on NES, or Quest 64 on N64.

One action RPG I've always wanted to play and learn more about is The Twisted Tales of Spike McFang.  So if you have that and want to write about it, please do!

Cary's Top Five Favorite Star Trek Characters!

Posted on 05/16/2013 at 07:21 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Write a letter on each of their heads to spell out something.  Like 'F-O-R-E-H-E-A-D-S.'

Cary's Top Five Favorite Star Trek Characters!

Posted on 05/16/2013 at 07:19 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Yes you should write a blog about that.

NES Quiz for iPhone

Posted on 05/16/2013 at 07:17 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I'll download it if it's free.

OFF BEAT THURSDAY! Just Something to Do!

Posted on 05/16/2013 at 07:10 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Half-Minute Hero is one of my top favorite PSP games.  Yuzo Koshiro did some of the music.

Time for a Change: Evolving E3 Through Technology

Posted on 05/16/2013 at 07:05 PM | Filed Under Feature

I've been to nearly every E3 since 1996, and I've loved every one.  I enjoy being able to talk with PR folks face to face for once, and see the games in person.  I hate it that I got denied a press pass this year.  I guess I'm a dinosaur, too.

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