Wow that's kind of hard to do.
Wow that's kind of hard to do.
I don't know anything about how to register on the site. I just provide content, I don't worry about the nuts and bolts of the site. But I did see that you commented on one of my reviews!
I can't believe nobody's mentioned the most popular video game Mama of them all.
I reviewed Trails in the Sky a while back. Honestly I like Falcom's other popular game series, Ys, a heck of a lot more. Ys Seven on PSP is particularly good, you should try it.
Can you guess who I'll pick?
I don't have anything intelligent to say about the subject of this blog, but I will note that I can't wait to play Dragon's Crown.
Personally, I like Ristar more than Sonic.
If you like Bionic Commando and don't mind super hard games, you'll like it.
Since I've been blind in my left eye since birth, I have next to no periphrial vision. So this doesn't look like something I'd like. I just want to be able to play a game.
I could never get into the Punch Out games. Not very good at them either.