That was my first reaction too,Matt. lol.
That was my first reaction too,Matt. lol.
Could be an advertisement from an alternate universe. lol.
You nailed it. lol
With a side order of "herp"!
I agree. Zelda in Link's clothes is HAWT! If it is "ironic" I still got much lulz! Win/win either way!
Or even "What is Lightning was a woman?".
I like the Hindu references, right down to Asura having "exta arms" during certain attacks much in the same way the Hindu gods are portrayed.
A part of me wanted to get Asura's Wrath but it seemed a bit QTE heavy so that dissuaded me somewhat. Still, the story seems phenomenal!
Thank Kay for bringing the good times,James! I laughed hard for a whole minute myself. lol.
Exactly,Pete. lol. You can tell the ppl who made these shirts ARE NOT gamers.
I can't! Your OCD and quest for "truth" and "actual facts" offends meh feelingz!