I just "finished" III a couple of weeks ago. I really can't imagine starting a new one anytime soon, but then I look at the screen shots and...
I just "finished" III a couple of weeks ago. I really can't imagine starting a new one anytime soon, but then I look at the screen shots and...
Adding back this missing level corrects the biggest difference, but there are more. Most obvious is that the NES version is set up for a horizontal monitor (a TV) and the arcade is vertical. There are other differences that probably only bother picky DK players. Again, the big issue here is Nintendo's silence about ALL of their arcade games, not just DK.
Everyone's always jazzed about this game, so I was feeling compelled to try it sometime. Sounds like you had to be there to truly enjoy it. I'll move it down my to-play list a little.
It's not that the freebie isn't the arcade version, it's that the freebie is being touted as the original version. It's just one more instance of Nintendo being completely mum about their arcade roots. Yes, more people played NES games than Nintendo arcade games, but so what? Even if their accountants say re-releasing the games will lose them money, they at least need to acknowledge that the games exist.
Maybe you think these games haven't aged well, but plenty of people still love them (myself included) and think it's a shame that they aren't more accessible.
The cement factory a.k.a. "pie factory" is in the US arcade release. Our levels are just in a different order than they were in Japan, which had a very straightforward level sequence.
I had no idea that Spencer's still existed! This is exciting and troubling news.
A house is not a home until it has a high frequency katana blade plasma lamp.
Thanks, Michael! I just downloaded both parts of that show and will try to listen to them on my commute. Looking forward to it.
Hope this gives me another chance to consider a Wii U pre-order.
Sounds like a fun add-on.
So sad to hear of you settling down and tackling that list of honey-dos, though.