I'm back! I kept meaning to write (I'm especially kicking myself for missing the anime episode...), but I really couldn't miss this one.
3. Horizon Zero Dawn - This was a hard one for me. I picked up HZD because an action RPG with robot dinosaurs sounded awesome. What I felt like i got was... Amazingly bland. Immediately after the tutorial you are ham fisted into a story helping people whom have shunned and brutalized the MC most of her life. Why? Why are you helping these knobs? I had a plethora of issues with the game, but this one sticks furthest out in my mind.
2. Mario (The plateformer games) - I'm aware I'm probably wrong about this one. But I just can't seem to understand why the typical Mario games doesn't pull me in, and Lords knows I've tried. But I just can't seem to find any kind of enjoyment in the Mario plateformers. I enjoy a race or two in Mario cart and I had a good time with Super Mario RPG, but the plateformer Mario games almost always result in a resigned sigh followed by me debating picking up a game I know I'm probably not going to like.
1. Dragon Age: Inquesition - I love RPGs (I think most people can attest to that) and typically that includes the Bioware RPGs, except DA:I. The characters seemed bland, The combat was sluggish and bland. I just could not get into it.
Chrono Crossing: I was born in 1992 and quickly discovered I had only played one game from 1988, which is Final Fantasy 2. But I didn't have fun with that game so I decided to pick a game I think I would enjoy, which is Jaseiken Necromancer. Feel free to tell me if it sucks and I shouldn't play it.