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DukeLuke's Comments - Page 1

A Blast From the Past! An Objective Look at The Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword

Posted on 04/02/2013 at 11:24 PM | Filed Under Blogs

"Did you love the silent realm sections? There are those that didn't"

The silent realm sections had to be my least favorite sections of any Zelda game I've ever played. They felt like my least favorite part of any game (unnecessary stealth missions) multiplied to the x10 degree.

Loved the rest of Skyward Sword, though. I read an interview with the creative team behind SS in Game Informer prior to the game's release, and their effort to innovate and create some interesting new dynamics in the Zelda universe definitely worked nicely as far as I was concerned.

Shock the Body: The Evolution of BioShock Infinite

Posted on 03/27/2013 at 07:42 PM | Filed Under Feature

Just played Bioshock 2 recently for the first time (had it for a couple years now, but hadn't ever really had the desire to play it). I have to say, very underrated game imo. Quite enjoyable. Didn't bother to play the multiplayer (which is what I remembered most people talking about when it first came out). Campaign alone was a very suitable follow-up to the first Bioshock.

Revisiting Enslaved: Odyssey to the West

Posted on 03/03/2013 at 02:15 PM | Filed Under Feature

This was key to me:
"believed although the gameplay offers a lot of variety, it also offers little depth"
I would likely be one of those who was underwhelmed. I enjoyed the game, but I suppose the thing that disappointed me was that it had so much potential that I didn't feel it lived up to. There wasn't the sort of depth to it that I felt there could have been. 10 hours on the campaign with the abrupt ending you mentioned, platforming that flirted with exploration without letting you actually EXPLORE (rather than just follow a relatively linear path). I was also slightly disappointed with the environments, but that's my own fault. When I first heard in the previews of the game that it was going to be a post-apocalypse that abandoned the slightly overdone rust & grime take on apocalyptic landscapes, I was incredibly excited. While the atmospheres were cool, I felt like they could have done much lusher environments. I think I was expecting something closer to a mix of Farcry 3's overgrown grasses, trees and forests mixed with Mirror's Edge's suburban sprawl -- if you can imagine it. What we got was something not bad, but very very different (with the exception of a moment here or there -- like the aquarium that was still standing, I remember that vision vividly). So that expectation is purely my own fault.

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