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GWX's Comments - Page 1

Red Steel 2 Review

Posted on 03/26/2010 at 08:42 PM | Filed Under Review

I meant staring* by the way and I don't even care about any over typos right now. Just sick of the kind of ridiculous opinions people can hatch against a Wii game.

Red Steel 2 Review

Posted on 03/26/2010 at 08:37 PM | Filed Under Review

What a bunch of graphics whore and fanboyism!

1080,720p bitches" here going to compare Modern Warfare 2 to Red STeel 2? An FPSto an action game? WHAT?!

That is a bunch of bullshit.

What game tell me what game you can play with this level or interactivity and control?

What you 15 button Xbox360/ps3/clunky "1000" key keyboard and mouce PC sitting and steering at the screen like a zombie and flicking two thumsticks/pressign random keys/clicking some mouse on a flat surface anf letting 1080p visuals burn in your retina can do to compare with such an experience as this?

Is that what makes games games? HD and what is available now?

"Real" games? So then All previous gen was total crap then if HD and all that suff is what games have to be for you to praise them then you are missing the point!

Enter NATAL(360) and Sony Move(PS3) and HARDCORE games for those for you to praise to the top of mountains about the motion controls and the HD....but review a Wii game and make some stupid excuse by comparing it to a game that is not in its direct genre and already it can be seen what you are trying to do. Not giving the game a fair review.

As soon as a good game comes on Wii that disproves the bullshit flying out there in you so called "hardcore gamers" heads here come the stupid excuses and pointeless comparisons! A comparison which is pointless as it is to a game which is NOT in the exact same genre AND does not have this level of interactivity and control with Wii Motion+.

What else can I say but there are still shallow gamers out there who think gaming WAS MADE by HD resolution and all that that the HD brought.

Shallow gamers. Why do you even play games? You obviously have forgotten why they exist. Fun.

Red Steel 2 with Wii motion plus level of precise interactive sword and gun play is like NOTHING EVER.

That you cannot take away from the game barring your opinions which you can have but that doesn't mean they are always correct or even relevant! and that Sony and Microsoft will aspire to copy or take off of.

So there.

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