Ha Ha Jason, Ha Ha... :D
So about the Skyrim thing. I know I probably don't speak for the majority in this case, but I very much enjoyed (and still enjoy, Etrian Odyssey!!!) isometric dungeon crawlers years ago. One of the reasons I enjoy Elder Scrolls games so much is they seem very much like a mondern take on that genre. I think the combat failure is just an evolutionary hold over from the genre's roots. It actually feels like there's a timer restraining how often you can swing or execute an action, and a dice roll for each attack, even though it's real time.
Where the game really shines is the sense of exploration. That's what I, and the majority of gamers, play the game for. It's what I love about the genre more than the combat. Seriously, I've been playing these for so long that when they came out with the Phantasy Star collection on the GBA, I was able to play through the first game for the first time without writing down a map.
And yes, I still have a pack of graph paper in my desk somewhere.