I would hold off on the Mass Effect 3 ending hate. I don't agree 100% with what they've done, but nonetheless I can kind of see what they were going for based on what information I've accumulated. I'm just waiting to see what Bioware does, and also what the "From Ashes" DLC offers in terms of plot.
PB & Jason Issue 79: Mass Disappointment
***WARNING: Minutes 5-8 of this podcast contain some MAJOR Mass Effect 3 spoilers!****

Remember last week when I said I didn't care about Mass Effect 3? I was wrong. Controversy has arisen over the game's endings, and said controversy is enough to make me care about the game, at least to a meager extent. If you're inclined to not know anything about the story and/or endings for Mass Effect 3, skip over a few minutes of the podcast, but be sure to listen to the rest! Why? Because there's Dillon's Rolling Western opinions, tons of Kid Icarus: Uprising information, a Club Nintendo update, more controversy with Tekken X Street Fighter and Sonic 4 Episode 2, and more! Click through to find the download, subscription, and listening links.
Of course, those with listener mail can always contact me by sending email to jason@pixlbit.com. Come back next Wednesday for Issue 80! I'm sure it'll be next week's best ever PB & Jason, too!