I really really want to argue with you on the COD nonsense, but the truth of it is, it's the consumer's fault that Activision is able to get away with this stuff. Honestly, who in their right mind forks over money for a product not knowing at all what it is? I still can't get my head around that. Yes, it's true that Activision clearly stated they would get stuff valued at over the price of admission, but who sets that price? Not the consumer. For all they know it could be just some of the worst maps, and worthless crap, like skins for their guns or a bandanna for their soldier priced at 5 bucks. I really don't want this to become standard practice and I will not participate in it if it does. I rarely pre-order games as it is because I fear getting screwed, but this seems far more risky than even that!
Speaking of crazy prices, now come nobody mentioned Namco, especially after Tales of Graces f? 5 bucks for a single costume for a single character? Seriously? What are they smoking over there!