I did, in fact, laugh at the Diablo 3 joke.
PB & Jason Issue 92: Vidalia Edition
Hopefully this week's PB & Jason does not make you tear up...

This week, the news on Jason's radar has been pretty weak. There has been some conversation about a small handful of major topics, but just about everyone has discussed and editorialized said topics to death. The alternative? When there is no news worth talking about, why not create fake news to share? Join Jason as he rambles off several fake headlines. Maybe you'll have a laugh, maybe you'll shed a tear. Maybe you'll make up a few fake stories of your own. Who cares? Whatever you do, be sure to listen to PB & Jason by clicking through to the embedded player and download links.
PB & Jason is recorded in front of a live studio audience (almost) every Wednesday. For dates and ticket information, please email jason@pixlbit.com.