Am I the only one who really didn't like the Game Cube's controller? I dislike it for the same reason I don't like the Sega Genesis controller, I never liked having 3 buttons spread horizontally, and the Game Cube really felt like it did the same thing with the spread between B, A, and X.
As far as Kinect goes, I hate it too, but I felt it did do a pretty decent job of tracking your movements, as long as you set it up correctly, which is a pain and almost impossible for most people. The only time I've ever seen it work flawlessly is when a friend of mine used the track lighting in his living room like stage lighting to completely cover every single part of his body with light. (side note, his wife wasn't happy with the changed he made to the lighting when she got home.)
Class action lawsuits: This is bad bad bad bad bad. Honestly, it's not about the money, it's about protecting the consumer. As someone who has participated in a class action suit in the past, yes, the money I received was minimal, but it was the equivalent of a refund and a little more. The real satisfaction came from knowing the mega-corporation responsible had to pay for it's actions and would be unable to screw it's customers again in the same way. I don't really worry about Valve too much, as they've done right by their customers so far, but Microsoft and Sony also have worked this documentation into recent system updates, requiring their customers to surrender their rights to pursuing class action suits in order to continue using their services, and I trust both of them about as much as I trust my cat to watch my goldfish while I'm on vacation. I don't recall Nintendo issuing any documentation like this to their customers yet, but I'm sure their lawyers are drafting something up as we speak. It's just how things are moving these days, and I don't like it.