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PixlTalk Episode 77: Girlfriend Mode

Find out why Jason owes Nick a pizza in this episode of PixlTalk!

This past Monday night, Jason, Nick, and Joaquim sat down to record the latest episode of PixlTalk after the crew took a week off for the holidays. We talk Xenoblade, Mass Effect 3, and Borderlands 2. As the title indicates, we take on the "Girlfriend Mode" controversy head on and discuss just how ridiculous the outrage of the comments were.

Later in the show, the Wii U is a hot topic yet again as the crew speculates what they were expecting of today's Nintendo press conference. Click through, hear the thoughts of the crew and see how close they were to making the mark on Episode 77 of PixlTalk!

Use the comment space below to tell us a bit about your thoughts on Wii U, Borderlands 2, or any of the topics of this latest episode. Also, feel free to let us know what you think of the show and offer up some reader mail for discussion points during the next episode. Check back next week for our thoughts on the announced Wii U news and our plans for the system launch.



Our Take

Jason Ross Senior Editor

09/14/2012 at 02:10 AM

Woo hoo! Pizza on me! But not for everyone. Just 1/2 of the people in this podcast.

Joaquim Mira Media Manager

09/14/2012 at 02:13 AM

I want my slice.

Jon Lewis Staff Writer

09/16/2012 at 11:24 AM

@ Joaquim im not sure what you did, but there is a way to get Tali to live, as long as you made the right choices.

Joaquim Mira Media Manager

09/16/2012 at 11:55 PM

Maybe I didn't press the L2 Trigger on time, or the right choices just weren't my right choices LOL. She didn't want the Geth to evolve, but I think that was shelfish. And how the hell does nobody stop the idiot in command from attacking the geth when they were no threat. Pure idiocy, and like my Shepard said "They made they're choice".

Jon Lewis Staff Writer

09/18/2012 at 01:03 AM

maybe it was because you didn't import your saves or something, im not sure. there are a few variables but yeah, if you do another playthrough u might find a way to save her. She is a bit cruel about it, but to her, they kept the Quarian race off of their own homeworld for years, enough to create a pretty big prejudice id say. Tali handled it better than other Quarians would have i think, but yeah, its interesting i suppose.

Joaquim Mira Media Manager

09/18/2012 at 11:14 AM

I did start replaying it as a Renegade just to see how it plays out, but my interest already dwindled. I've played the game, got my satisfaction out of it, and that's 1 less game on my backlog LOL.

Our Take

Angelo Grant Staff Writer

09/18/2012 at 12:35 PM

I honestly think the Girlfriend Mode thing did them more good than harm. Seriously, you think anybody isn't actually going to buy the game just because of that statement? I mean they say that changed their mind, but I put that on the same level of BS as my friend the lifelong democrat saying Romney said WHAT? No way am I voting for him now! I think it's more likely that someone heard the buzz, looked into it, and thought "Hey, maybe this will get my girlfriend to play Borderlands 2 with me."

I wish Gearbox would just embrace the statement. Make it a running gag. Run some adds that make over-the-top humorous references to their "girlfriend mode" fiasco. I'd get a kick out of it. I also really want to see them have some fun at Diablo's expense. Unfortunately, I doubt either of them will happen. If I had the time and resources to make some mock advertisements though, I would just for fun. 

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