Good to see Patrick back and healthy. Has Patrick been able to get back into any painting projects lately?
I liked Rob's choice of Johnathan Blow. I don't actually know anything about John so I had no idea he was so cocky or obnoxious, but I love following the progress of The Witness and the project updates he gives on the site. Through the comments sections of his updates and the conversations he has with fans he seemed pretty down to Earth in that context. The Witness look brilliant already, it's going to be fascinating.
I have one question for Julian about this year in gaming. I know Julian says he needs to watch his new game spending this year. With that being the case, is it possible that you will be delving into your backlog quite a bit this year?
Lately the developers that I've been learning the most about and have been inspiring me creatively are Ken Levine, Harvey Smith, and Notch. Notch made one of my favorite games ever in Minecraft and it only came after he turned down a dream job offer at Valve and started his own company. He can make deep games with simple controls and get you addicted while feeling creative and free. I didn't know anything about Harvey Smith until recently when I knew he was a man behind Dishonored and co-owner of Arkane. So I went on Polygon and found this incredible life story of his history in the industry from Wing Commander to Deus Ex to Dishonored and everything in between that he's done and I have a new respect and understanding of him.
Ken Levine was another guy I knew was brilliant and well-known but I never undersood why and I had no idea of his history. Once I learned about his writing/acting origins, how much he wasn't a programmer, designer, painter, etc, and about his unformed, amorphous, sculpting-esque development process, his struggles, and how much the integrity and messages of his games mean to him did I get a grip on why he's great. He's the kind of creative director that isn't easy to work with for a lot of people, and his ideas never sound good to executives, but if you can understand his process and help him make his ideas real they can turn out astoundingly beautiful even if it was a bloodbath getting to that point. I think it would be interesting to have Ken as a boss and to be on the practical design side making his visions real in level design etc.
I've said before about how much I love Molyneux, and I still do, but in the realm of visionaries and people with their imaginations and hearts on the cutting edge of gaming and storytelling I think I'd prefer working close to Levine and learning from him. In a development environment you have to have people with you that are strong where you're weak and can create balance. I'm not a good storyteller so Levine would be an amazing person to learn from. For the past few months I actually wasn't too hot on Bioshock Infinite, but that one article I read about him made the game into my most anticipated of the year. Well that, and also seeing gameplay of Infinite helped.