How can you challenge a perfect, immortal machine?
A Shock to the System

System Shock 2 requires you to genetically alter your weaponry when researching the organs of different enemies. Chemicals throughout the game need to be used in conjunction with these organs as well as weapons and bullets to enhance their combat efficiency. Some weapons first need to be researched to be used. This area of System Shock 2 is the founding principle behind BioShock’s use of anti-personnel or armor piercing rounds.

You can also conjure your damage against enemies with Irrational’s first attempt at Psionic powers. This way to attack your foes requires you to choose a purely Psionic character. You do not get to use bullets and guns against the computer in this mode, which made it notoriously difficult. In fact, veterans often caution first time players against developing a pure Psionic character with your skill points.
If you choose to go this route, System Shock 2 is ambitious as far as magical powers go. Throughout five tiers of power, each tier includes seven types of abilities -- pyrokinesis, hypnogenesis, molecular transmutation, photonic redirection and quantum relocation to name a few. System Shock incorporates abilitites to transform various battle spoils into nanites, to regenerate health, to teleport yourself, and turn your enemies against each other with neural restructuring. You might notice the more scientific approach to powers if you compare System Shock 2 to its spiritual successors.
