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Win a Copy of HarmoKnight!

Enter to win a copy of a game we love!

[UPDATE: The contest is now closed.  We'll let you know very soon who our winner is!  Thanks to everyone who participated.]

At PixlBit, we love great games and we love our great community.  What better way to combine these two amazing things than by stapling copies of our favorite games to our favorite community members?!  Apparently Nick doesn’t like my idea, though, and said we should give a good game to someone instead.  Well, whatever, he’s the boss so I’m going to go along with it.

You might have noticed that I was a little excited about the release of HarmoKnight for the 3DS, and when I got to dig in to the final version it exceeded my expectations.  We’d like nothing more than to let someone else out there get to enjoy this game too.  How can you win this download code?  It’s easy.  We just want you guys to do more of what you’re already doing: writing great blogs!  Except we need you to focus on a narrower topic in order to be entered.  Since you’re vying for a copy of a rhythm game, we want you to write about rhythm or music-based games in your blog.  Beyond that, we have no restrictions.  You can write about how much you love music games, the time you broke a copy of Gitaroo Man over your knee, how you met your wife playing DDR, or whatever creative angle or story you come up with.  The details are up to you.  As long as your blog focuses on rhythm or music games, you’re golden.

To enter, just post a blog about music-based games on PixlBit before April 20, 2013 and post a link to your blog in the comments here.  We’ll pick our favorite entry and the winner will receive a code via private message to download HarmoKnight from the 3DS eShop.  You need to be a U.S. citizen to enter and it would probably be a good idea to own a 3DS too.  If you win and don’t have a 3DS, we might be able to work out a deal involving staples, but I can make no promises with Mr. No-Fun Nick in charge.




04/15/2013 at 02:54 PM

Hello! It is really necessary to be US citizen to enter? I'm from other country and I'm interested in participate...

Nick DiMola Director

04/15/2013 at 03:06 PM

Unfortunately, yes. The code we have is for the US eShop. Sorry...

Captain N

04/16/2013 at 06:29 PM

Sweet, I'll try to see what I can come up with.

Wait one more thing, can it only be about one game or can I have 2 different games in a blog?

Travis Hawks Senior Editor

04/16/2013 at 06:44 PM

It can be about many games. Just stay within the loose theme.


04/16/2013 at 06:34 PM

This is stellar! :D

Cary Woodham

04/17/2013 at 08:05 AM

Here is my blog entry for the contest.  Thanks so much.

Cary's Top Ten Favorite Music/Rhythm Games!

Super Step Contributing Writer

04/18/2013 at 07:42 PM

I vote for Cary's entry, unless something blows it out of the water by Saturday. I certainly can't do anything better on this topic.

Elite Beat Agents is one of, and I recently and temporarily deemed it my #1 game of all time, but I don't know if I've even played ten different rythm games, which is how many he discussed, and I found out about this contest through it.

Harmoknight does sound like a cool game, though.

Travis Hawks Senior Editor

04/18/2013 at 09:56 PM

Just a couple more days, guys. Get your entries posted before Sunday! (Contest ends on 4/20).

Super Step Contributing Writer

04/18/2013 at 10:50 PM

Y'know, somehow, I missed the fact the contest ended on 4/20....

Rythm-action game, huh? I see ... I've decided to leave this one alone. lol

Nick DiMola Director

04/19/2013 at 04:17 PM

What Travis said! You've got today and tomorrow to get something together. Considering this is a $15 game with a high praise, I'd say it's worth your time to give it a shot and try to win a code.

Captain N

04/20/2013 at 02:55 AM

Well here's my blog and it'll say I posted it on a saturday but I have the draft version as proof from a couple of days ago so hope my entry is still valid.

Travis Hawks Senior Editor

04/20/2013 at 09:36 AM

Anytime today is fine! You are good to go as is anyone else who enters today.  Right now it's a two-person race!  


04/20/2013 at 10:02 PM

We were out apartment hunting today and I didn't think I'd have time to put something together...but then it didn't take as long as I'd thought. Woot! Here's my blog Smile

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