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Digital Mystery Tour   

Digital Mystery Tour Episode 11: Prepare For Battle

First attack!

Welcome to Battle Theme month at Digital Mystery Tour! JD kicks things off with a selection of modern JRPG battle music that's sure to get your blood pumping. Be warned: this episode of DMT features so much butt rock. So very much butt rock. Fighting Vipers fans should be right at home.


00:00 Baten Kaitos- Rumbling of the Earth

03:47 Baten Kaitos- The True Mirror

07:18 Eternal Sonata- Leap the Precipice

10:53 Tales of Symphonia- The End of Thought

13:40 Tales of the Abyss- The Everlasting Fight

21:49 Tales of Xillia- Clenching the Fists

23:52 Radiant Historia- Blue Radiance

27:09 Final Fantasy XIII- Eidolons

30:43 Final Fantasy XIII- Saber's Edge



The Last Ninja

08/04/2013 at 02:45 PM

Man, I LOVE battle music! You can listen to some of my favorite boss music here and my favorite final boss themes here. I'll have to do a battle theme one soon. Good picks, JD. 

Jon Lewis Staff Writer

08/04/2013 at 11:07 PM

Thanks. Not bad picks yourself! But yeah, good battle music can really get help get people into games imo. It makes you want to battle just to hear the theme.


08/05/2013 at 03:34 PM

After spending the past couple of weeks immersed in the Metroid Prime games, it is really nice to hear something else.

Jon Lewis Staff Writer

08/05/2013 at 04:18 PM

yeah, gotta switch it up every now and then you know? haha


09/04/2013 at 11:33 AM

Props for giving both Baten Kaitos and Radiant Historia some love, especially the latter, which has one of the best soundtracks I've heard in years. I hope you've had a chance to put some more time into it.

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