PixlTalk Episode 7: The Retro Revival
It's the seventh episode of our PixlTalk podcast and this time we're joined by our newest staff member, Lukasz Balicki.
As is the norm, we each take turns discussing what we've been playing for the past week, and this week there was a fair amount to talk about. For a list of what games we talked about, see the details bar to the right of this article. We tried to keep it brief, and to avoid boring you to death, we once again dedicated our second segment to a specific topic.
This week we discussed the revival of retro titles and what it means to the gaming world. There's speculation as to why the revivals are occurring, what it means to the future of gaming, and those darn kids nowadays who just don't appreciate the beauty of classic 8-Bit titles.
As always we appreciate your feedback and would love to further the discussion below this article. If there's anything you as the readers would like to contribute please send us listener mail since you are guaranteed to have it read! We promise... as in if you're reading this right now send us reader mail. Also, we made it SUPER EASY. Hit up the new Email Form, fill out the info and send it over.
Edited by Nick DiMola
Music by Andy McKee