Nice. My friends Austin and Brayden actually went to the most recent Wrestlemania, and my friend Wes is a big fan ... where as I haven't really paid attention since Smackdown! was on network TV in the heyday of The Rock and Stone Cold Steve Austin (whose podcast I definitely need to check out now; sounds hilarious).
I was about to say the Breaking Benjamin in the background was distracting until I realized I was doing one of my random screenings of KSAU. Oops. lol
I do like a few rasslin' games though, so I'll be sure to come back after my run and some family time (I left off at about 6:40). In the meantime, both my friend Austin and I are baffled by why this borderline unplayable GBA game he owns got such great reviews. It's called Fire Pro Wrestling and even on easy, it's just atrocious in my opinon and his. Neither of us can get anywhere, cause the wrestlers get tired and then there's just nothing you can do to come back in the exhibition matches we've played. Maybe it got good reviews cause the graphics are good for the handheld? Music is decent, too. The gameplay, though?