PB & Jason Issue 37: Rumor Mongering
Lots and lots of rumors adorn this week's issue of PB & Jason.
You've heard it here first, ladies and gentlemen: EAD is working on a game for Nintendo's Wii successor. Or will work on one at some point in time. Anonymous inside sources informed me it was true, scout's honor! A lot of this week's PB & Jason is full of stuff like that!
From rumors of Sonic to rumors of the next Nintendo controller, with rumors of the latest Sony and Microsoft consoles in-between, I had a bit of fun recording this issue.
Oh, the latter half is all about the Best Buy gaming retail changes that may be upcoming. Check out the newest post in the PB & Jason forum thread for a link to information about that story if you're interested in learning more.
No anonymous sources were revealed in the making of this podcast.