Thoroughly enjoyable.
PB & Jason Issue 38: PB And Nate?
Hide Your Air And Hide Your Water, Hide Your Son And Hide Your Daughter, Sony's Hacked It's Time To Run Away!
This week Nate fills in for Jason. First matter of business is what is on the forefront of many gamers minds this week: identity theft due to the Sony network compromise. Tune in to hear a few tips on watching your back online to ensure you don't suffer a financial disaster.
Moving on we look at Jason's article concerning a possible Wii redesign and how likely or unlikely the prospect could be and what could be altered about the system considering the company's past and their most recent system, 3DS.
Lastly Nate launches a crusade against the dangerous 'Backlog' by forming a new 12-step recovery program for those affected: Backloggers Anonymous. He hits the ground running by getting some play time in for Resident Evil, Silent Hill and Mario.