No, this issue is not about the Nintendo 64.

NeXtBoxes, Holiday Games, and Battlefield vs. Call of Duty. This week's PB & Jason has it all, so click through for the podcast and the details.
As you saw above, this week's PB & Jason takes the newest and latest next Xbox rumor ("project loop") and runs with it. Want to hear my prediction? Then listen to the podcast! After that, I bring up a great holiday game to give this year for a gift. Expect to hear more suggestions in future issues! Ratchet & Clank HD and HD remakes make up the latter topic of discussion for this week's PB & Jason. The podcast rounds out with a brief mention of a Wii U rumor and a warning of the impending Zelda: Skyward Sword spoilers! Be careful!
As always, send your listener mail to jasonATpixlbitDOTcom, just replace the AT with "@" and the DOT with a "." I think you know how to do it. Tune in next week for more PB & Jason!