This completes all "A" games! Next up is Banjo-Kazooie, which I can tell you now is going to receive a higher score than any game so far.
Automobili Lamborghini
You're probably better off saving up for a real Lamborghini.
With a nonsensical name like that, I wasn't expecting anything much out of this one. Once discovering that it was published by Titus, the same nefarious company infamous for releasing contenders for "best worst game ever" such as Superman 64 and Carmageddon, I dropped the cartridge in shock and horror. However, I'm on a mission. Mustering up as much determination as I could, I picked it up and popped it into the Nintendo 64's cartridge slot, with sour memories of Carmageddon now flooding back.

Compared to what I've seen of this company's track record, this game may be their best one they've released. This, of course, doesn't mean it's actually a good game, but it was a pleasant surprise nonetheless.
Starting it up, I hopped into the Arcade Mode. When experimenting with the controls, I performed one too many handbrake maneuvers spinning around the track everywhere, and ended up running out of time that I didn't even notice was counting down. The steering feels somewhat jerky when jamming the stick full-on left or right, but it didn't take long to adjust to the game's analogue control. As is typical of any Titus game, the button layout was designed by either somebody who has never played a game, or simply hates all gamers. Accelerate was placed on the "A" button, which makes it impossible to press other buttons besides "B" with the thumb. The C-buttons have useful functions like a rear-view camera and the handbrake, but they must be pressed by the index finger if the thumb is to remain on the accelerator. This problem could have been easily solved by placing the gas on the "Z" button, leaving the thumb free to press all face buttons.

There are two levels of difficulty, "Novice" and "Expert," so people of intermediate skill have a little decision to make. This discriminates against intermediate players, which is kind of ironic as they're usually the ones who always have a difficulty setting just for them. Strangely enough, I couldn't manage to place 1st on the first track, but it was pretty easy to do so on every other track. I guess the first track is just too simple, so it requires a perfect run to have a chance.
There are two models of Lamborghini available at the start with three colours each, and a few additional high-class cars, like a Porsche and Ferrari, can be unlocked by winning the two main game modes. There are only six tracks in the game, most of which take less than a minute per lap. I played all six in the Championship mode, though I reduced the default number of laps from 6 to 3. That number of laps seems like a bit much, though it does make taking a pit stop necessary. Although, when the tires become worn, I actually didn't notice a difference...

Automobili Lamborghini is nowhere near as exotic as its titular car. There isn't anything broken about it, but there also isn't anything special or interesting about it to keep me entertained for long. It's just straight up speed, and I've always found that boring.