In case anyone doesn't pick up what's going on in the story's pic, it's supposed to represent a gavel coming down on team fail0verflow. I feel like a terrible political cartoonists for explaining that. >.>
Anyway, as far as I'm aware, everything used to hack the PS3 involved reverse-engineering the device, which is supposed to be legal. If these guys didn't use any copyrighted code in what was done, that should be that, similar to the cases with iPhone and jailbreaking. A lot of these hackers, as noted in the story, were a part of Team Twiizers or worked on Wii hacking in general without Nintendo pursuing legal action (as far as I'm aware,) so I'd imagine their procedures would be similar. I'm not too happy to hear Sony is going after them, too, but I can only hope the courts decide that the machines we buy are owned by us after purchase, rather than Sony, and thus, we're allowed to run whatever we want, so long as it wasn't stolen.