I definitely am thinking about buying Portal 2 tomorrow. Anyone have any other recommendations?
Two-Day Toys 'R' Us Buy One, Get One Half Off Game Sale
Update: A better Wii deal than we thought?
It appears to celebrate Easter, Toys R Us is offering a Friday and Saturday video game sale, among their other promotions. The Wii will also be on sale for $159.99, Toys 'R' Us's lowest advertised price, ever.
A portion of the flyer announcing the two-day sale.
The sale appears to be universal, for both retail Toys 'R' Us stores and the Toys 'R' Us online store. For the latter, the sale prices begin at 9:00 AM EST.
Update: We also just noticed this promotion.
It's tough to say for certain what accessories qualify for this bonus.
Second Update: More browsing yields a bit of a mystery. It appears on the front page of Toys 'R' Us's website, a better Wii deal awaits. Apparently the Wii is, or will be on sale for $149.99, rather than the $159.99 listed in the sale pictured above. The Toys 'R' Us deals we've found and listed are slated to become active at 9:00 AM, EST, despite the TRU website being decked out in Easter sale clothes. A quick call to a customer service representative suggested Toys 'R' Us would honor the lower price, though I didn't follow-up with a purchase of my own. For those interested in buying a Wii, consider trying to take advantage of this advertised bargain while it's available, but make sure you're promised the cost you expect to pay come check-out; Right now, the Wii sits inside my cart for $169.99, despite the front-page offer.
The deal listed here is even better than the one
mailed out to Toys 'R' Us Rewards customers.