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PSN Outage To Continue

A recent update on the PlayStation Blog offers up more bad news to Sony console owners.

Today, Patrick Seybold, Senior Director of Corporate Communications & Social Media confirmed that the PSN outage will continue indefinitely. While the team has been working feverishly to bring things back online, according to Seybold, the process is "time insensitive." The outage disables players from going online in any capacity and has disabled some online-heavy games in the process. Sony is also currently investigating possible credit card theft after their system was recently compromised.



Jason Ross Senior Editor

04/25/2011 at 04:53 PM

So, it sounds like PSN had some major security issues. Yikes. It's great they're fixing the issues, but why didn't they just outright confess this when Sony shut the network down on Wednesday?

Our Take

Nick DiMola Director

04/27/2011 at 11:55 AM

So it looks like Sony just dragged their feet on this because they were scared to tell users how badly they screwed up.

If you have used PSN before, cancel whatever credit card you had linked because it's possible it was stolen. The hackers also have your PSN name and password, your name, phone number, address, email, and birthday. Probably worth putting a fraud alert on your name, just in case someone tries to steal your identity and get a line of credit.

Awesome, well done Sony.

Nate Hascup Staff Alumnus

04/27/2011 at 10:12 PM

It is being reported that Sony has stated off the record that credit card information is probably untouched. But the fact they are still unsure is disturbing.

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