As a programmer I have a soft spot for homebrew. I don't see the purpose in defeating its usage. At least with Wii homebrew, playing pirated games is not a function enabled out of the box. Prohibiting that functionality is more understandable, as it does actually hurt Nintendo's business.
Hackers Attack Back - System Update 4.2
Nintendo's update may have caused a slight bump in the road, but the homebrew community is already answering back after just one short day.

Yesterday, Nintendo made a full-out assault against the Wii homebrew community by releasing a veiled update. The update did its best to wipe all hacks from the system, a task which it nearly completed successfully.
However, hackers were able to identify each piece of code that Nintendo had added in order to eliminate further hacks. This is allowing hackers to build countermeasures into upcoming releases of BootMii and the Homebrew Channel.
While the Twilight Hack has now been conquered, both Indiana Pwns and Smash Stack custom code launchers are confirmed functional. All the homebrew community needs to do now is release updated versions of their various other hacks and System Update 4.2 will be no more than a bump in the road.