Serious Sam 3 Delayed
Sam now getting serious in November.

Today brings some bad news for fans awaiting the October 18 release of Serious Sam 3. Alen Ladavac of Croteam made the announcement earlier today in the forums:
An official announcement about details will be released to the press later today, but we (both Devolver and Croteam) think that you guys deserve to hear it from us first:We have been working very hard on SS3 all the way, and especially in these recent months trying to make it for the promised October 18th. In the past few days, we did some reassessments, based both on internal results, and on beta testing feedback, and determined that we would want to do some more gameplay tuning, bugfixing and optimization – more than would be possible within the given timeframe. This is the game that we have invested a lot of love and work into, and one that we know the series’ fans are expecting a lot from.
So we decided it needed one extra month of development time. You will know details later in the day, but for now – one month it is – one month of extra tuning and polish that Serious Sam 3 deserves if we really love it and want it to be a great game.
While the month long delay is certainly disappointing, it’s good to see a developer taking the extra time necessary to work out the kinks rather than pushing an unfinished project out the door before it’s ready. As Ladavac stated, more details will be released later today.